Children’s Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry is where kids develop spiritual growth through worship, bible study, and fellowship!  It is a great opportunity for kids to learn more about JESUS- plus it’s lots of fun.

It is our Mission for God to be known in the next generations to come!! 

The children’s lessons are hands-on-learning. They will learn about Jesus the way they learn best: by doing. We’re very excited about our lessons and think you will be too.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 19:14

Contact Stephanie Priest:

Sunday Mornings:

Sunday School:  9:00 am
(Nursery – 5th Grade)

Children Church: After Children’s Sermon during 10:00 am Service.
(Nursery – 5th Grade.)


School Year Wednesday Night Activities:

5:30 p.m. Kids Dinner Provided in the Family Life Center

6:00-7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry
(3yrs-5th Grade)