Outreach Ministries

The Great Commission in Matt.28:18-20 states that we are to go make disciples-whether it is next door or to another country. It is not an option but a command to all who call Jesus “LORD”. We are not all evangelists in the formal sense, but we have all received gifts that we can use to help fulfill this commandment.

Please contact the Church Office if you would like more information on where you can serve.

Yard Work

We partner with the City of Tyler to help those in need to stay in the Code of Ordinances. 

Helping with yard work helps reduce the burden for those who are physically unable to accomplish the tasks or facing financial difficulties. We provide service throughout the year, by mowing lawns, raking leaves, clearing out brush, trimming back tress, and more.

If you would like to help or know someone in need please contact the Church Office.

Prison Ministries > Ministries.

” I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”    Matthew 25:36

Bringing Light Into The Darkness Of Prison…

Volunteers bring the light, love and friendship of Jesus Christ into the lives of prisoners and their families right here in Smith County. 

If you would like to be apart of this outreach contact the Church Office. 

Operation Christmas Child Collection Week | Coram Deo Bible Church

Operation Christmas Child is a project by Samaritan’s Purse that provides shoeboxes we filled with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to children in need around the world. The initiative aims to demonstrate God’s love and share the Good News of Jesus Christ through these gifts. 

For more information or inspiring videos visit:


Every year, we start filling shoeboxes the first week in November and National Collection Week takes place the third week in November.

There are many ways you can help with this outreach!

If you are interested in helping contact Stephanie Priest @ Stephanie@laneschapel.com

Little Dresses for Africa is a Christian 501c3, providing humanitarian relief to the most vulnerable of God’s children: little girls. Dresses that we make go out as little ambassadors to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy. As relationships are built, projects are completed through clean water, education and community. “We’re not just sending dresses, we’re sending hope.” These little dresses are given freely to those in need. We plant the seeds. God sends the harvest. 

For more information visit: https://littledressesforafrica.org/

Contact the Church Office if you are interested in helping.

Basket Ministry

Like a basket, this ministry weaves together prayers of hope, encouragement and caring. The weaving begins with God and involves all church members and ministries. The Basket Ministry will regularly assemble and deliver baskets filled with inspirational materials, treats, tea, handmade crafts and small gifts. Each basket is prayed over by our ministry then blessed by our Pastor, Jeff Gage.

The Basket Ministry operates through donations of supplies: baskets, plastic wrap, silk flowers, ribbon, gently used or new items, tea, stuffed animals, cards, handmade items, inspirational books/materials, treats, small gifts. Monetary donations: please make your check payable to Lanes Chapel  and write “Basket Ministry” in the memo line. Drop your check in the offering plate or send to Lanes Chapel  • 8720 Old Jacksonville Hwy • Tyler, TX 75703.

Types of baskets: Welcome New Members (We love our new members. What a great way to welcome them with their Bible, and church information!), Homebound (Do you know someone who is homebound and could use a “hug” from our church?), Get Well (Minister To Those Who Are Sick) (Let’s lift the spirits of those who are sick/hospitalized and their families!).


If you have questions, want to make a donation or volunteer for assembly and delivery of baskets, please contact the Church Office.